Monday, June 13, 2011

Self-induced scarcity

It's time once again for my once a year breaks, and will be posting again likely in the fall. These breaks prevent me from being too repetitive or boring, since I try to avoid posts where I don't really add much to what has already been written elsewhere.

Meanwhile, I'm sure everyone knows all the usual suspects for good readings elsewhere in the meantime. Mark Thoma still maintains the best one stop shop of all points of view in the econosphere. And if you haven't read much of this new body of thought we call MMT, New Economic Perspectives will be running primers and Q&As in the next months for those just coming into their ideas. Just in time, to hear straight from the horses' mouths, their ideas, countering the campaigns of error being propagated by some parties today.

So until next, keep safe everyone.


Anonymous said...

In the interim, I cry in your absence and curse you loss....

May the summer winds take you far and land you gently without so much as a ajar..

In the summer heat I shall toil, saying under my breath I can not wait for fall and Rouge to return, to learn before the ground turns brittle and hard and before my mind drifts too far.

Rogue Economist said...

It be soon before you know it
Here I'd be going on and on
Same old subjects as before
The world hasn't learned its lesson
Soon it will be in crisis once more

Anonymous said...

It would have been "nice" to be given another choice of home economist, rather than the leftwing, Mr Thomas, from UOO...

When I was in the army, we called the careerist lifers because they were not suited for work in the civilian sector..

I am now beginning to think of the same for these professors, at subsided institution of learning...

BTW, I have read some of the misadventures of Herr Thomas, there is nothing new...

Rogue Economist said...

I wanted to thank him for occassionally linking here. If you want to read someone who comments on the economy who was a market practitioner, you can't go wrong starting with Yves Smith. Barry Ritholtz and Bill McBride (of Calculated Risk) also focus on the real world. Felix Salmon also mostly knows what his stuff when he talks finance. I'm not sure if any of these are from the right, but certainly they don't go on about their favored party.